




  Help. p.regnant iS. very f或者 people,Summer temperature is 所以 high,Will 它 影响 这 成功 速度 的 test 管子 babies??这 wea这r in 这 wea这r has brought a lot 的 irritability to people.,Does 这 season really affect the 成功 速度 of the test tube??

  Here,Expert expressed:From the current information and clinical results,The success rate and season of the test tube baby are not obvious.。


  测试 tube infants have been affected by many 因素,in normal conditions,The success rate of test tube infants depends on vitro fertilization and transplantation、Whether the process is successful,Because these st年龄s are more sensitive。


  For example,Daily hab它的、diet、Different technical and 经验 of 医疗的 职员,两个都 affect its success rate。


和 the 最多 危急 factors or 女性's age,The 更高 the 数字 of 年轻 女性, the 更高 the success rate,如果 so, the 降低 it.。


  但,Test tube babies are cultured in laboratory,The cultured ambient temperature is always carried out under thermostat,at the same time,Aseptic laboratory's environment is close to the human environment,Not affected by external temperatures、Seasonal impact。


  Therefore, the success rate of the test tube baby is not related to the season.,Not affected by the season,As long as the drug、technology、Equipment and physical conditions,No matter what season, it is the same as the test tube baby.SUMMER

  What should I pay attention to in summer test tubes??

  (1)Avoid staying up late

  Most of the people in the summer will be different from other seasons.,I often sleep very late.。


Missing sleep is easy to cause plenty of spirit,Long-term work is irregularly affecting the vitality of sperm and egg。



  (2)pay attention to indoor environment

  Reasonable use of air conditioning、Fan and other cooling electrical appliances。


Air conditioning temperature setting is too low、Fan's air volume will cause a headache、Fatigue、Reactive response such as appetite。

  Summer skin pore pore、Sweat glands,If excess is accepted,Extremely easy to infect cold evil,Never dyeing infectious diseases such as catching colds。

  (3)Comprehensive physical exaation

  pre-pregnancy physical exaation is the focus,It is also guaranteed that the mother is successfully pregnant.、Basic conditions for pregnancy。Summer temperature difference,pathogen,Easy to be affected by the outside,Body inspection before the husband and wife can reduce the disease infection,Avoid adverse conditions that affect embryonic growth;And if the husband and wife are large,Chromosome is also an important inspection item。

  Dyeing experiences with different degrees of distortion with age growth,Distortion of chromosome is unable to detect,But can cause women infertility、Early abortion、Adverse conditions such as fetal stop;However,High quality blastship is the foundation of the baby's health,It is also an important condition for ensuring the smooth pregnancy of the mother.。

  (4)prevent gynecological diseases

  Hot summer is the high season of various gynecological diseases,Wet sultry is easy to breed bacteria and viruses,Female clothes are too tight or rushing,It will lead to gynecological diseases。

